Pouro Building, Kushtia

Pouro Building

Pouro Building
Pouro Building

Kushtia municipality was formed in 1869. Kushtia's famous indigo planter T. I Kenny built a huge building in the town in the interest of the blue business. Built on 210 acres, the building had 50 rooms known as the Crescent Building. The newly formed Kushtia sub-divisional office, court and pouro office were established here. However, the building is now dilapidated. Later, in 1966, the present pouro building was shifted to the house of Satish Shah, a wealthy zamindar of the town.

Pouro Building
Pouro Building

Clothing is one of the basic human rights. People build textile industry to avoid air conditioning and shame. Handloom weaving used to meet the demand of the people of this country. At that time the glory of Bengali cotton textile industry was developed. During the colonial period, mechanical weaving came and occupied the place by force. Mills and factories were established.

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